Live streams serve multiple purposes. They create a sense of community while allowing a business to expand its reach. Companies use these events to increase brand awareness and encourage customer engagement. Live events are an excellent way to generate revenue while connecting with the target audience.
However, you must handle the live stream properly to see these benefits. Many people feel they know how to live stream only to have their event be a dismal failure. The following live streaming tips reduce the risk of this happening.
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1. Determine the Goal of the Live Stream
What do you hope to accomplish with this broadcast? Do you want to bring in new viewers or generate additional leads? Having a goal in mind simplifies the planning process. To boost sales, the live stream might launch a new product or service. To grow the audience, the broadcast could share breaking news in the industry. A well-planned broadcast is easy to repurpose after the event as demand-gen content.
2. Select a Topic
Narrow the options to a single topic the broadcast will cover. Determine what the message of the broadcast should be. When you know the topic thoroughly, you can speak knowledgeably. Your confidence when doing so will come across in the broadcast.
Focusing on one theme allows viewers to associate with the topic. Keep a narrow focus throughout the event. This focus allows you to showcase your expertise and thought leadership. The audience will feel as if they gain value from participating in the live stream.
Determine the format of the live stream. Some topics are well-suited for question-and-answer sessions. When launching a new product, you might do a reveal or a how-to video. Interviews and behind-the-scenes broadcasts also draw people in.
3. Hire a Crew
Many people do live streams on their own using nothing more than a mobile device. These productions typically are of low quality and don’t present a professional image. Don’t make this mistake. Hire a crew to help you produce a quality live stream that attracts viewers for the right reasons.
The crew may engage with viewers throughout the event, man cameras, help with product how-to videos, and more.
At a minimum, spend the money to bring in an event producer and sound technician. Once these individuals are in place, determine if additional crew members are needed. The number of workers required typically correlates with the size of the broadcast.
4. Choose One or More Target Destinations
Some live streams only appear on one marketing channel to increase the fan base on that channel. Other broadcasts appear across multiple platforms and reach a broader audience. Know which channels the target audience prefers to meet them where they are.
Determine when members of the target audience spend most of their time online. Know what barriers exist for these members and how to work around them. Work schedules and time zones are two factors that you need to consider when deciding when to hold the live stream and draw the largest audience.
Experts recommend establishing a consistent schedule for live streams. Viewers know when to expect new content. This information allows them to plan for future broadcasts and to share these events with others who might also be interested in the content.
5. Invest in Quality Streaming Equipment
Viewers won’t stick around if they cannot see or hear the video. Invest in quality equipment for the streaming event to draw viewers in and keep them engaged. Many people believe the best way to live stream is with a phone or mobile device, as they can broadcast anytime and anywhere. However, a live stream that is of low quality makes them appear unprofessional and ill-prepared. High-quality streaming equipment is an investment in the future, so budget for excellent equipment.
A high-quality camera provides better resolution, but you may have a shaky picture if someone holds the camera during the event. Purchase a tripod to prevent this common problem. Upgrade audio equipment for clear sound, and purchase a lighting scheme that allows everyone to be seen in their best light.
Internet bandwidth also plays a role in a successful live stream. Estimate the number of simultaneous viewers and make certain the bandwidth can handle this volume. Update your device and install video compression software to deliver the broadcast. While it may be easier to grab a phone or mobile device and start shooting, doing so could leave viewers with an unfavorable impression. Avoid this by making high-quality equipment a priority.
6. Consider Multistreaming
A person new to live streaming might use one camera for the entire broadcast. Allow your event to stand out by using multiple cameras to provide different angles throughout the show. Purchase a video switcher to move seamlessly between these devices during the broadcast. Adding logo overlays, subtitles, and other computer inputs into the live stream is effortless with this device.
Multiple microphones or a podium mic add a new level to the broadcast. Invest in an audio mixer to send audio to the video stream. Test this equipment before the event to confirm all pieces work together.
7. Create an Outline
One of the most important live streaming tips a person can receive is to prepare an outline for each broadcast. This outline ensures the event follows a logical order. It also helps the host remember all the points they should cover during the broadcast. Focus on building a framework of points rather than writing a script. The script will sound forced and unnatural, which viewers don’t like.
Increase engagement by offering content that cannot be found elsewhere. Use animations to grab a viewer’s attention. Elements such as these ensure the event is memorable to the viewers.
Many people choose to use a storyboard for this outline. This storyboard helps you visualize the sequence of the broadcast. When creating this storyboard, determine which format to use and create frames for each segment of the live stream. Include talking points and engagement cues to keep viewers engaged. List different shots and angles on this storyboard, along with camera movements and transitions. Make adjustments to the board as needed until you have the perfect outline for the event.
8. Build a Set
Create a backdrop for the event to ensure background elements don’t interfere with the delivery of the desired message. A clean and uncluttered workspace suggests to the viewer that you are in control. The first impression sets the tone for the entire relationship, so make certain the set presents the image you want it to.
9. Test the Connection
Never plan a live stream until you have a stable internet connection. No viewer wants to sit through a live stream that constantly buffers. A stable connection remains one of the biggest challenges for hosts. One of the easiest ways to avoid this challenge is through the use of an ethernet cable and a dedicated connection. No other system will connect to the network and interfere with the event. Test the internet speed before going live on the day of the event using a site such as
10. Promote the Event
People can only view a live stream when they know it is occurring. Promote the event a few days in advance, using multiple channels to do so. Ask guest speakers to do the same, as they can draw more viewers in. When promoting the event, always share the date and time of the live stream along with where viewers may find it. Tease the topic to generate additional interest.
Post the event regularly on social media and through email marketing. People lead busy lives and these reminders ensure they don’t miss the event. Use a hashtag to make sharing the broadcast easy and create buzz. This hashtag makes it easy for followers to interact with the brand and the live stream. On the day of the event, post reminders and teasers to drive real-time traffic to the live stream.
11. Prepare Guests
Prepare guests before the event to ensure a successful broadcast. Confirm their system meets the basic requirements to join the broadcast and provide a calendar invitation that outlines the steps to join the event. Share a list of topics and questions to be asked, so they know what to expect, and invite them to join a dry run of the event. Ask guests to join the event ten minutes before the broadcast goes live to address any issues and prevent delays.
12. Conduct a Practice Run
A practice run is the equivalent of a dress rehearsal. It provides you with the opportunity to confirm all equipment works correctly and practice your delivery. Use this time to uncover any potential problems and find solutions before the event.
13. Add Graphics
Add titles and graphics to provide viewers with a seamless experience. Incorporate the brand colors and logo to increase brand visibility. However, don’t overwhelm the viewers with text. Limit the use of titles and text to the beginning and end of the live stream. You may also use it to introduce new topics or guest speakers, but keep it to a minimum elsewhere.
14. Countdown to the Event
Viewers may wish to join the stream early to guarantee they don’t miss anything. Other viewers might forget about the event if they don’t receive reminders when the event is quickly nearing. Create a countdown timer to generate excitement, provide a gentle reminder of the live stream start time, and help those who live in other time zones know when to log on to watch. This time may begin several hours before the event, or you might start it 10 or 15 minutes before the event launch time. It is a matter of preference.
15. Engage With Viewers
Establish a system where you can respond to comments during the broadcast. Assign a person to monitor the feed and share questions that will add to the broadcast. This engagement helps you build a strong relationship with listeners and will encourage them to return for future events.
16. Conclude the Live Stream
Many hosts allow the screen to fade to black when the event ends. Don’t waste this valuable time when many viewers remain online and focused on the screen. Use the blank space to share information about yourself, your organization, or the event.
17. Collect Data to Improve Future Live Streams
Select a platform that collects data so you gain insight into what works and what doesn’t. Learn who attends these events and how often they play the content. Are viewers dropping out before the stream ends? If so, where do they leave? Discover how much time they spend watching the video and what device they use when doing so. Certain platforms provide information about which brand device the user is viewing the content on and more.
With this information, you gain a better understanding of the viewers’ interests. Qualifying prospects becomes easier and you can learn what viewers like. Bring this information together to make live video streaming events more successful in the future.
18. Extend the Lifespan of the Live Stream
People might miss the live event because they have prior commitments. Offer replays to get more from the broadcast. You may also take pieces from the broadcast and use them as marketing materials or to tease future events. Pull clips from the event and share them on social media to generate interest in future broadcasts and come up with a sizzle reel to post on your website. One live stream can go a long way when you know how to leverage the material.
19. Request Guest Feedback
Guests play an important role in live streams. They take an active part in making the event a success and can provide insight into what worked for them and what didn’t. Their input provides you with a different perspective on the live stream. Use this information to better meet the needs of guests in the future while improving the overall experience for all.
You must prepare for a live stream thoroughly. Any detail overlooked during the planning stage could lead to an event that is a dismal failure. During this broadcast, you connect with real human beings, and the presentation of this event plays a major role in their perception of you or your organization. Never lower your standards when hosting a live stream. No broadcast is better than a live stream with issues.
The post 19 Tips To Make Your Live Video Streaming Event Successful appeared first on Epiphan Video.